Have you ever heard a phrase or word and it has just taken your breathe away?
Maybe even melted your heart?
Thought you were at the movies?
Had to pinch yourself?
Well It happened to me today!
This morning I happened to be in to in the right place at the right time ...and over heard a "Southern Gentelman" say in a wonderful southern drawl to his lady friend, "I will talk to you later Sweet Pea."
Oh! was that not something that made your heart race or what and then came his low southern laugh.
It was almost like a book.
Sweet Peas will always have a new meaning won't they! (sigh...romance)
How sweet!!!!!
Hey you! Yes do get back to blogging. How else do you expect me to keep track of you! Love the sweetpeas! Phone home ET!
Your sista!
mmmm I can smell them!!
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