Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Wishing all of you a safe and Happy St. Patty's Day!I just love the blending of our heritage's. If you are lucky enough to know your heritage...you know from where you come. If not...then you can start a new hobby...your family genealogy!

Have a great St. Patrick's Day! Make sure what you eat...is really suppose to be green!

Stay out of my refrigerator!


Cathy said...

Do you have your green on? Pinch! Pinch! hehee!

Cathy ♥

Stephanie Suzanne Designs said...

Hello, thanks for visiting me. :0) Your little guy Rex is probably jumping up and down over the suitcase beds...isn't it funny how we will "hoard" things and not know why? The minute I throw something out I see how I could have used it! My Miss Morgan, the yorkie thinks the beds are the best!

Did you find me through Button Floozies? I see that you are a member.

Hugs, Stephanie
Queen of Dreamsz