Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Really Cool Blogs!

I was doing what I do best perusing others beautiful blogs. I found this really great blog.

No! Not on my own. I found it through my sister of course!

(You must check out my sisters blog. She is my inspiration and my guru!)

OK now that you have checked out my sisters blog check this out!

Sara ...she is amazing!

What do you think of these two talented ladies? Wild isn't it? Yes! I do want to win! But even better than that, when I grow up, I want to be just as talented as they are! How great would that be! A dream come true!

I think Hazelruthe (Cathy) got all the creative jeans in our family. I was adopted...or so that is the family tail that has been woven all these years. But then again she has always told me something about my brother and she were cinnamon bread and I...I was livers worst....Do you think she was pulling my leg??? She is older...maybe she stold the creative jeans???


Cathy said...

Thanks for the plug! And you do to have creative genes! And you're a great cook and shopper and sister. I still don't remember calling you the liverswurst--you musta made me mad that day--all those years ago. LOL! I'll change you to the buttery, sugary, cinnamon spread that goes in the middle. LOL! And don't forget I just traded all of the diamond inheritance to you for all of the rusty stuff. LOL!

Cathy :)

PS--skinny sister guess what my word verification was--thinesse. How funny is that! LOL!

Sara~Graphic Pretties said...

Rhonda thanks so much! Your post was very sweet. Thanks for helping spread the word.
Your blog is great...I will add it to my list.