Thursday, January 8, 2009


Well another year has come and gone. Did you get everything done that you wanted to do? Oh...probably not. I know I didn't...but I guess that is OK. We are still here and still have keep on plugging.

I really do not put out the RESOLUTION list. I just have goals that I always keep in mind. Things that I am continuously working on. You know...things that will make my life different as well as others. Things that will make this world a better place.

If we start with ourselves...maybe...just day...this will be a great place to be. There is no better place then to start with yourself.

I guess one can always have hope!

I hope you do well with all of your RESOLUTIONS, goals or what ever you want to call them.

Now don't get me wrong...I do have a list of goals...but that doesn't start at the beginning of the year. That is ever evolving... yeeehaw! and so exciting when you accomplish one and just as exciting when you add one.


1 comment:

Mimi's Rose Chenille Boutique said...

Hi Rhonda ~ Thank you for the lovely comment on my blog! I love your group "Button Floozies", the name is hysterically wonderful. I would love to have you follow my blog, I don't see a spot where I can follow you, but I am following your lovely sister, Hazelruthe! Good luck on this month's Giveaway. I will be doing something special every month! Mimi